
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

We've snuck off without Scruffie - he's manning Reception with Sandie at Cardwell Van Park

 Our Day's adventure begins via Silkwood, Japoonvale, Mena Creek, Mamu Canopy Walkway & last but not least Misty Mountains Walking Trail
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Located just north of Cardwell, the Canecutter Way is a 52km scenic drive that is famous for its combination of history, charm and spectacular tropical North Queensland scenery. 


Mena Creek

first stop of the day is Paronella Park near Meena Creek
History of Paronella Park
José Paronella arrived in Australia from in Spain, in 1913. For the next 11 years he cut sugar cane &  then went on to purchase, improve, and resell cane farms. In 1924 he returned to Spain to marry his fiance Matilda to only find that she had married someone else.  Determined to return to Australia with a wife he married Margarita (Matilda's younger sister)  in 1925.
José first saw the 13 acres of virgin scrub along Mena Creek in 1914. He eventually purchased it in 1929 for £120 and started to build his pleasure gardens and reception centre for the enjoyment of the public.
The earliest structure, the Grand Staircase, was built to facilitate the carrying of the river sand to make the concrete. First they built a house to live in, then they started on the Castle itself. Apart from the house, which is made of stone, all of the structures were constructed of poured, reinforced concrete, the reinforcing being old railway track. The concrete was covered with a plaster made from clay and cement. They laboured on, until, in 1935, when the Park was officially opened to the public. The Theatre showed movies every Saturday night & the Hall was a favourite venue for dances and parties.

Jose passed away in 1948, Margarita in 1967 leaving her son & his wife as custodians. After their son's death in 1972 the park was eventually sold in 1977. 1979 took its toll as fire swept through the Castle and further damage was endured with the 1986 cyclone Winifred.  Today the dream remains for visitors to appreciate and is hertigage listed.

Further on along the Palmerston Highway near Innisfail is Mamu Rainforest Canopy Walkway situated in Wooroonooran NP
Mamu Rainforest Canopy Walkway
Canopy Tower 
 The Mamu Rainforest Canopy Walkway is a spectacular walk through the canopy of World Heritage rainforest. It is an iconic tourist attraction in the heart of the Wet Tropics. With a 350 metre long elevated walkway through the canopy,  a 37 metre observation tower and more than 1200 metres of walking tracks, this attraction certainly has the ""wow"" factor.

North Johnstone River Gorge

Our next stop was to be Millaa Millaa Falls which are said to be magnificent waterfalls surrounded by lush rainforest.  The falls are located on the Waterfalls Circuit, along with Zillie and Ellinjaa Falls.  Unfortunately the circuit road is partially closed due to road repairs and we could only travel to Ellinjaa Falls.
A steep walk to the base of the falls rounded off a very energetic day.  The waterfall was well worth the effort.

Ellinjaa Falls