
Monday, June 4, 2012

CLAIRVIEW...  approx 250kms north of Rockhampton and only 300metres off the Bruce Highway.
The trip from Rockie was a very nothing stretch of road with Marlborough Servo being a lovely sight & a good excuse for a Cafe stop.  What a shame the crab sandwiches were crappie!!!

 With the Gold Coast some 1,850kms to the South or  Bowen 270kms to the North, it is the first time that the Coast becomes visible from the MI & Bruce Highway. 
Clairview beach is a small settlement with nothing but  beaches & mangroves off Broad Sound. The Connors Range rise to the back of the Beach, with the highway and railway wedged in a small corridor between the Range and the foreshore. On a service road within that corridor is Clairview Beachfront caravan park, a camping reserve and also a small settlement of homes.  
Come well stocked with food & water as the Caravan Park is your only provisions outlet.  We are using a container for our water & are able to replenish our supply from the rainwater tank.  How we take WATER for granted.....
The shoreline is a steep, narrow high tide beach of coarse sand, stony flats and a healthy scattering of mangroves for the length of the shore.  WE ARE NOW IN CROCODILE COUNTRY so we've been warned and while we are going to do a spot of fishing we'll not be venturing down to the Creeks.  We've had one walk down there & while it is a beautiful spot we'll not tempt fate.
What lurks behind this dark wall???? 
now, this is what I call BEACHFRONT CAMPING
nowHave seen my first 'in natural habitat' Turtles - they swim at the front of the van park & the little heads pop up out of the water just like a periscope.
Now that the weather has fined up we are going to see the week out here and will then head for Midge Point.

It just feels like being in Paradise    (can't get that song out of my head)
Jonathan Livingstone Seagull 

The everything Block (Amenities, Laundry, Reception/Groceries, Bar and Camp Kitchen
Sunrise Monday 4th June 2012